What is the difference between WordPress and Shopify?

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What is the difference between WordPress and Shopify?

WordPress is a general-purpose website platform that can be used for e-commerce but is not specifically built for it, while Shopify is a platform specifically built for e-commerce.

here is 10 key difference :

  1. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that is open-source and can be used to create any kind of website, while Shopify is a closed-source, proprietary e-commerce platform.
  2. WordPress requires additional plugins and extensions to create an e-commerce store, while Shopify has many built-in features for managing products, orders, and payments.
  3. WordPress has a steeper learning curve compared to Shopify, which is more user-friendly and easier to navigate.
  4. WordPress offers more flexibility and customization options, while Shopify has a more limited set of design and customization options.
  5. WordPress is self-hosted, which means you need to handle your own hosting and security, while Shopify is a hosted platform, which means that Shopify handles the hosting and security for you.
  6. WordPress has a larger community and a greater selection of third-party plugins, themes, and tutorials, while Shopify has a smaller community and fewer third-party options.
  7. WordPress can be used to create any kind of website, including blogs, portfolios, and e-commerce stores. Shopify is designed specifically for building and managing online stores.
  8. WordPress has a lot of SEO features and options, while Shopify is more limited in terms of SEO.
  9. WordPress is more suitable for large and complex e-commerce websites, while Shopify is better suited for small-to-medium-sized businesses.
  10. WordPress is free, while Shopify has a monthly subscription fee.

if you need any help in wordpress development click here

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