How to Embed google form in wordpress website.

How to Embed google form in wordpress website.

Here are the steps to embed a Google Form in a WordPress website:

  1. Create a Google Form: Go to Google Forms, sign in to your Google account, and create a new form.
  2. Get the Embed code: In Google Forms, click the “Send” button, select the “Embed” option, and copy the generated iframe code.
  3. Embed the code in WordPress: Log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to the post or page where you want to embed the form, and switch to the “Text” view.
  4. Paste the code: Paste the copied iframe code into the WordPress text editor and publish the changes.
  5. Check the embedded form: Visit the frontend of your WordPress website and verify that the Google Form is properly embedded and working.

Note: Some WordPress themes and plugins may have restrictions on iframe embedding, so you may need to consult your theme or plugin documentation to ensure the embedded form works correctly.

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